Lego Stop motion

This is an example of some of my video work. This has all been done for fun as a hobby. I am self taught, with no formal teaching, but would love to learn more.

Obi wan kenobi 

A little short I made prior to the Real show launching on Disney

watch on yt 

Lego SW Short 

Another little short. Just a bit of fun

watch on yt 

Sim Racing Content

Trying my hand at racing content. This will mostly be on my Reddit page

Click here to visit

Professional Video Work

Some of my work for Beyonder Involve. In addition to some some private business videos, I also worked on producing content for their social media profiles under their new project Sweet Charity, an e-commerce platform for selling upcycled textile goods. Links to their social are below.

Social Media

"Sweet Charity Creates". An attempt to try and educate people on how they can re-use their old clothing rather than wasting it. Due to shifting priorities, this series never received the time or attention it deserved and is now on pause.